
Society in Science, CH and other funders: Branco Weiss fellowship

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Call summary

Society in Science invites applications for the Branco Weiss fellowship. This supports postdoctoral researchers in all areas of the natural and social sciences and engineering who have conceived an original and independent research idea that falls outside the scope of large-scale research projects. Up to ten fellowships, worth CHF 100,000 per year each, are available for a period of five years. The fellowship consists of a two-year pioneer phase and a subsequent three-year exploitation phase, with a review after the second year. Funding may cover salary, equipment, travel costs, consumables, personnel and more.

Scientific scope

Physical Sciences and Engineering; Food Science; Social Sciences; Biological Sciences

PI eligibility

Applicants must hold a PhD by 15 January 2022 but must have obtained it no more than five years prior to that date. They must not have held a faculty-equivalent position.