STFC: Lead public engagement with science, technology and engineering
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Call summary
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) invites applications for its lead public engagement with science, technology and engineering fellowship. This enables applicants to undertake extended programmes of high-quality public engagement and establish or demonstrate themselves as leading supporters of public engagement. The fellowship is worth up to £200,000 for up to 36 months. STFC will fund 80 per cent of the full economic cost.
Scientific scope
Chemistry; Bio/Medical; Physical Sciences and Engineering; Engineering
PI eligibility
Applicants must be from the academic, engineering or technical community, be working within STFC’s remit and be based at an eligible UK research organisation. Applicants must have a contract of employment at the UK research organisation that covers the duration of the fellowship. Leadership fellows must be in the employment of their host research organisation when the fellowship commences.