US Department of Energy, US: Computational chemical sciences
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
The Office of Science invites applications for its computational chemical sciences funding opportunity. This support basic research to develop validated, open-source codes for modelling and simulation of complex chemical processes and phenomena that will provide fundamental understanding and predictive control of these processes and phenomena through the full use of emerging and planned exascale computing capabilities. Grants are worth between USD 500,000 and USD 2 million each with a maximum project period of three years.
Scientific scope
Computer Simulation & Modelling; Chemistry
PI eligibility
All types of domestic applicants are eligible to apply, non-domestic entities may be proposed as a subaward under a domestic entity’s lead application. Domestic applicants that propose a non-domestic organisation as a subrecipient are advised that successful applications must include a detailed demonstration of how the non-domestic entity possesses skills, resources, and abilities that do not exist among potential domestic applicants.