
EPSRC: Public engagement for information and communication technologies

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Call summary

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) invites applications for its public engagement for information and communication technologies call. This provides bespoke support to EPSRC researchers from the field of ICT to undertake public engagement activities alongside their core research. The call encourages the development of a research culture that inspires the public, attracts people to STEM careers and values interaction with the public in all stages of the research process. The total budget is £1.5 million. Funding is available for between two and three years. The full economic cost of the project can be up to £200,000 and EPSRC will fund up to 80 per cent of of the full economic cost.

Scientific scope

Funding will help to: •develop, deliver and evaluate public engagement activities; •encourage public engagement within the organisation and the wider community.

PI eligibility

The main applicant must be a UK resident and be employed at the submitting research organisation at a level equivalent to lecturer or above, hold a fixed-term contract that extends beyond the duration of the proposed project, and the host research organisation is prepared to give all the support normal for a permanent employee, hold an EPSRC, Royal Society or Royal Academy of Engineering fellowship aimed at later career stages, or hold fellowships under other schemes. In addition to this the applicant must be an active researcher in ICT, be in a field of research or expert area within the remit of EPSRC’s ICT theme, have been a principal investigator or a co-investigator on a grant from EPSRC or other known funders within the last five years, and have a demonstrable and credible track record in public engagement with research. The submitting organisation may be a UK HEI, research council institute, UKRI-approved independent research organisation, eligible public sector research establishment or a NHS body with research capacity.