Restricted call: BBSRC ALERT 2021 Mid-range equipment initiative
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
The ALERT 2021 call aims to enhance the capability of the UK research base in areas of science in UKRI-BBSRC's remit. Applications are invited for mid-range equipment costing over £200,000 including VAT. The capital equipment budget for this call is approximately £10M.
Scientific scope
Where it is envisaged that a significant user-base for the equipment will be undertaking research in areas outside BBSRC remit, applicants must seek an appropriate level of additional upfront contributions and support from external sources, and provide information on this in the grant application.
PI eligibility
Applications will typically be from groups of researchers in one or more eligible institutions for instrumentation to be deployed collaboratively on a multi-project and multi-use basis. To take part in the internal selection process, please submit the attached internal selection form together with a support letter from the Head of the Department/Centre/Institute that will hold the grant, to by 9 AM, 2nd November 2021.