
Smithsonian Institution, US: COMING SOON: Smithsonian Institution fellowship programme

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Call summary

The following awards are available: •graduate student fellowships – worth USD 7,500 each over 10 weeks, for currently enrolled graduate students who have completed at least one full semester or its equivalent or who have completed the graduate program within the past four months; •predoctoral fellowships – each of which include a stipend of USD 36,000 per year and a research allowance of up to USD 4,000 for periods between three and 12 months, for enrolled PhD candidates; •postdoctoral fellowships – each of which include a stipend of USD 50,400 per year plus a research allowance of up to USD 4,000 for periods between three and 12 months, for applicants who have completed their doctoral degree by the time the fellowship begins; •senior fellowships – each of which include a stipend of USD 50,400 per year plus a research allowance of up to USD 4,000 for periods between three and 12 months, for applicants who have held a PhD or equivalent for at least seven years. Past or current fellowship recipients are eligible to apply for another award. Applications are open to US and non-US citizens.

Scientific scope

Materials Sciences; Anthropology; American History; Systems Biology; High Energy Astrophysics & Cosmic Rays; History of Science; Earth Sciences; Evolutionary Biology; Gravitational-Wave Astronomy; Galactic Astronomy; Folklore & Mythology; History of Engineering & Technology; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Ethology & Comparative Psychology; Archaeology; History of Art; Environmental Science; Cosmology & Extragalactic Astronomy

PI eligibility

The Smithsonian Institution invites applications for its fellowship programme. This enables graduate, predoctoral students, postdoctoral and senior investigators to conduct independent research or study related to Smithsonian collections, facilities or research interests of the institution and its staff and to utilise the resources of the institution.