
Henry Royce Institute, GB: Industrial collaboration programme

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Call summary

The Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials is offering grant funding for research, development, and innovation sprint projects. Universities, research and technology organisations and companies can apply for funding for exploring innovative ideas with a focus on technology translation. These awards are not intended to support fundamental research projects. Award amount max £125,000 Award amount min £50,000 Amount note Total project costs must be between £50,000 and £125,000 Academic organisations and research and technology organisations undertaking non-economic activity can obtain the following funding: Up to 80% of full economic costs (FEC) for UK Je-S registered institutions or 100% of project costs for RTO, charity and not-for-profit organisations.

Scientific scope

Eligible topics: Sustainable Materials Innovation (with particular emphasis on foundation industries) Quantum Technologies and Semiconductor Materials Energy Innovation and Hydrogen Technologies Healthcare Innovation.

PI eligibility

Applicant type Academic Institution; Commercial or Private Sector; Government or Public Sector Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Mid-Career to Established in Field Eligibility Note Project is expected to: Include at least one business and at least one university or RTO Start from the 1st of October 2024 Complete all Royce-funded activity by 28th February 2025 Carry out its project work in the UK Intend to exploit the results from or in the UK Incur all Royce funded costs within the project’s duration Be a new project or activity that has not already started.