Royal Academy of Engineering, GB:COMING SOON: Research chairs and senior research fellowships schemes
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Call summary
The Royal Academy of Engineering invites applications for its research chairs and senior research fellowships scheme. This aims to strengthen the links between industry and academia by supporting academics in conducting use-inspired research that meets the needs of industrial partners. Grants are worth up to £45,000 per year over a period of five years and cover gross salary, indirect costs and estates costs.
Scientific scope
Research may be conducted in any area of engineering, computer Science and Informatics. Awardees are expected to:
•establish or enhance a world-leading engineering research group;
•deliver use-inspired research that meets the needs of their industrial partners;
•disseminate the outcomes of their research for appropriate academic impact;
•become a self-sustaining research group by the end of the award by securing substantial external grant income.
PI eligibility
Applications are welcome from any engineering discipline, defined in its broadest sense, encompassing a wide range of diverse fields, including computer science and materials. Applicants for research chairs should already be professors or equivalent, whereas applicants for the fellowships should already be a reader or senior lecturer level or equivalent. The host institution must be a UK university and applicants should be able to demonstrate an outstanding research profile, including a proven track record in securing external grant income and developing collaborations.