BBSRC: BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
The Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is awarded by the BBSRC to facilitate the impact agenda, and recently received an additional £35k. The additional funds must be used to fund new projects - the BBSRC particularly encourages use to support “culture and capability development, including through the development of skills for KE activity”. However, this does not exclude other projects being submitted.
Scientific scope
Funding is available for the following:
1) Pump priming impact activities including:
- Commercialisation of BBSRC-funded research outputs, e.g funding small proof of concept studies, development of prototypes and virtual demonstrations.
- Consultancy for market research, business planning and technology road mapping.
2) Impact projects for BBSRC-funded early career researchers to investigate and develop early-stage opportunities for impact from their research e.g feasibility studies, prototype development, software development, investigating potential markets and applications, or other projects with potential for impact.
3) Short term secondments and people exchange to build partnerships and enable KE.
4) Events such as engagement of BBSRC-funded academics with relevant users of their research, e.g. showcase events to introduce businesses to applied research in BBSRC-funded academic groups or policy workshops with CSaP.
PI eligibility
IAA funding provides support for the development of impact relevant activities to capitalise on the knowledge generated from BBSRC funded research. The resource can be used for a broad set of activities that deliver or promote the benefits of research to a full range of end users across industry, the public and third sectors. All projects must be linked to BBSRC funded research. All expenditure must be completed by 31 March 2022.