BBSRC: BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Account
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
Funds of up to £3,000 are available to support ECRs to engage with non-academic research users, including potential industry partners and experts by:
Participation in conferences with a high proportion of industry delegates.
Attending industry-led events, such as trade fairs to network and develop collaborations.
Visiting a company (or multiple companies) to explore potential avenues for collaboration.
Participation in an entrepreneurial training programme such as Enterprise Tech run by the Judge Business School.
Scientific scope
Funding is currently available with activities and expenditure to be completed by 31st March 2022 as follows:
1) Innovation Placements: This call is open specifically for recently-submitted PhD students working within the BBSRC remit to undertake a short placement of up to eight weeks with an industrial partner to enhance their understanding of a relevant industrial sector. Funds will be available to cover salary, travel and subsistence expenses, and other relevant direct costs.
2) Industry engagement activities: This call is open to early career researchers (ECR): postdoctoral researchers, recently-submitted PhD students and the equivalent of BSRC David Phillips Fellows, i.e. those who have not yet established an independent academic research group.
PI eligibility
The Flexible Talent Mobility Account (FTMA2) is targeted at talented early career researchers working within the BBSRC remit, who have the potential to be the next generation of leaders within UK academic and industrial research. It intends to support the exchange of personnel, perspectives and knowledge, skills and expertise between the academic and industrial sectors.