Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, GB and other funders: Innovation to commercialisation of university research programme
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Call summary
SETsquared, the Northby Northwest Partnership, Midlands Partnership, Innovate UK, UK Research and Innovation and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy invite applications for their innovation to commercialisation of university research programme. This enables university research teams with commercially-promising ideas to get out of the lab and validate their ideas in the marketplace. The programme enables early-career researchers to undertake three to four months of full-time market assessment and to have meaningful conversations with prospective customers, regulators, suppliers, partners and competitors to validate the commercial potential of their research. At the end of the market validation activity, teams present their journey and identified opportunities to an options roundabout panel that will offer feedback and guidance on development pathways. Funding is worth up to £30,000 over four months.
Scientific scope
Spin-Offs & Academic Innovation; Innovation & Technology Management
PI eligibility
University research teams from all UK universities may apply in addition to public sector research enterprises with commercially-promising ideas. Teams must include the following members:
•early-career researcher or entrepreneurial lead with hands-on knowledge of the technology and research results;
•a senior researcher who is leading the research activity;
•a business adviser who is familiar with the research activity and has experience in the commercial marketplace;
•a technology transfer officer with responsibility for commercialising the research activity.