Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST): ASPIRE 2024 Call for Proposals - AI and Information, Biotechnology, Energy, Quantum, Materials, Semiconductors and Telecommunications
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Call summary
The ASPIRE (Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research Ecosystem) program is an initiative by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) to develop and strengthen Japan's scientific and technological capabilities through supporting international joint research in scientific and technological fields of strategic priority, while simultaneously promoting researcher mobility in the Japanese research community by connecting top researchers from Japan and other leading countries and regions in scientific research.
Among the ASPIRE programs, the ASPIRE FOR RISING SCIENTISTS provides support for promising Japan-based researchers who are expected to become leaders in the international research community in the future. To achieve this, the ASPIRE FOR RISING SCIENTISTS welcomes proposals for international joint research projects that will enable these researchers to acquire the knowledge, technology and networks through advanced academic degrees or through taking up positions at research institutions in advanced science and technology countries. We welcome proposals from researchers who have already received ample research funding and independent research environment, and who are expected to become top researchers in the future, are eligible. The maximum total direct cost per proposal for the entire support period is 380 million yen (500 million yen when including indirect costs, which should be equivalent to 30% of the total direct cost).
Scientific scope
Applicable Fields of Research
AI and Information - AI and information research for the realization of Society 5.0 based on the principles of "human understanding and respect," "diversity" and "sustainability".
Biotechnology - Biotechnology research related to promoting the bioeconomy and sustainable agriculture, as well as reduced negative impact on the environment.
Energy - Energy research for carbon neutrality
Materials - Materials research that contributes to a carbon neutral society and circular economy.
Quantum - Research related to quantum computers and quantum technology in general, including on quantum materials with innovative functionality, which contributes to the realization of a productivity revolution.
Semiconductors - Semiconductor research related to promoting the semiconductor industrial sector.
Telecommunications - Research on telecommunications technology that contributes to the development of a next-generation infrastructure for a digital society.
PI eligibility
Eligibility Note Researchers who belong to a research institution (university, independent administrative institution, public experimental research institution, public-interest corporation, or company, etc.) in Japan and conduct research at that institution, as well as research teams composed of such researchers, are eligible to apply.
The Japan-side team should consist of the below members, led by a Principal Investigator (PI). The team should also include one or several researchers who will travel to the partner country (outgoing researcher).
Principal Investigator (PI) - The PI is a researcher who is directly supported by JST, represents the overall research team in Japan and is responsible for directing the research project as a whole. The PI must be affiliated with a university or research institution in Japan.
Collaborative research with researchers in multiple countries and regions specified above is also eligible for support. In such cases, all partner PIs of each partner country must meet the above conditions.
Country of applicant institution Australia; Canada; European Union (EU); Japan; Korea, Republic of; Norway; Switzerland; United Kingdom; United States.