UK Space Agency, GB and other funders: Technology for space science call
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Call summary
The UK Space Agency invites proposals for its technology for space science call. This supports laboratory groups in the UK towards technology readiness level (TRL) raising activities for space science technologies and typically involving the development of scientific instrumentation and science ground segments. The aim is to to develop the capability of the UK space sector and research base by providing funding to support low TRL space science technology research, helping to develop the UK’s technology pipeline and position UK groups for future mission opportunities, themes and concepts. The award is worth up to £50,000 and projects may last for approximately four months.
Scientific scope
Acceptable activities are:
•activities to advance development and understanding of instrument, technology and science data processing relevant to any new or emerging mission themes or concepts in the domain of space science, from solar system science to astrometry, astronomy, astrophysics and fundamental physics;
•development activities that clearly strengthen UK positioning towards new or future mission concepts and themes – through new or enhanced technology capability or expertise;
•paper based studies, modelling, proof of concept, potential hardware development, new engineering approaches, and data processing development.
PI eligibility
Organisations such as academia, industry and not for profit government research institutes, may apply.