
Innovate UK, GB and other funders: Driving the electric revolution – building talent for the future

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Call summary

Innovate UK invites applications for the driving the electric revolution – building talent for the future call. This supports innovative skills, talent and training projects. The aim of this competition is to fund several ideas that quickly fill immediate gaps in skills, talent and training for the power electronics, machines and drives (PEMD) industry. The proposal must deliver a clear game-changing intervention, which would realistically and significantly meet a UK PEMD talent requirement. The total budget is up to £250,000 to fund innovation projects with total eligible costs worth between £10,000 and £25,000.

Scientific scope

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

PI eligibility

To lead a project or work alone the organisation must be a UK registered business of any size, research organisation, charity or public sector organisation, and carry out project work in the UK. To collaborate with the lead, the organisation must be a UK registered business of any size, academic institution, charity, not-for-profit, public sector organisation, research organisation or a research and technology organisation.