

Added date


Closing date


Call summary

The Intra-CREATE Grants aim to generate an impetus for collaborations to form between researchers from CREATE Partner Institutions co-located in Singapore, in order to achieve greater impact from collaborative research efforts. Each Intra-CREATE Seed Collaboration award will support up to S$250K per project (inclusive of indirect costs), over an 18-month period. Indirect costs will be supported at 30% of the total qualifying approved direct costs of each project.

Scientific scope

Physical Sciences

PI eligibility

The grant call is open to researchers from CREATE Programmes1 and 1 CREATE Partner Institutions , and Singapore AUs and research institutions to conduct research as part of CREATE programmes. 4.2. Lead PIs a. Each proposal must identify 2 Lead PIs with different primary institutional affiliations; b. LeadPIsmusthaveaCREATEPartnerInstitutionorCREATECLG1astheir primary institutional affiliation OR currently be a PI in CREATE Programmes; c. At least one Lead PI must have a CREATE CLG or the respective overseas partner home institution1 as his/her primary institutional affiliation. d. At least one Lead PI must be a current researcher in a CREATE programme; e. Both Lead PIs must be early-career researchers, with each PI having not more than 8 years of post-PhD research experience; f. Each Lead PI must commit a minimum of 25% of his/her time to the Intra- CREATE Seed project, with the approval of his/her supervisor(s).