NERC: Embedded researcher scheme on UK climate resilience
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Call summary
The Natural Environment Research Council, on behalf of UK Research and Innovation, in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, and the Met Office, invites proposals for the UK climate resilience embedded researcher scheme. The grants are worth up to £84,000 each at 80 per cent full economic cost for up to one year.
Scientific scope
Climate & Atmospheric Models; Natural Hazards & Disasters; Climatology; Climate Change & Global Warming
PI eligibility
ndividual researchers may only submit one application to the scheme with a single host organisation that has to be and approved UK HEI, a research council institute, an independent research organisations or a public sector research establishments. Host organisations must be named as a project partner and may only apply with one researcher per project opportunity. Host organisations with two opportunities may partner with up to two submissions with academic researchers.