
APS: APS Innovation Fund

Added date


Closing date


Call summary

The APS Innovation Fund provides funding to advance collaborative projects that align with the APS Strategic Plan and support the APS mission "to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community." The reimagined Innovation Fund will lift up topics and themes of specific pertinence, providing pilot or supplemental funding for innovative projects that can be scaled across to the scientific community. The funding activity will include innovation best practices support and an impact evaluation period. Award amount max USD 50,000.

Scientific scope


PI eligibility

Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Graduate Student or Pre-doc; Mid-Career to Established in Field Eligibility Note Must be an APS member to apply. May be US-based or an international applicant at any career stage to apply as a principal investigator (PI) with a maximum of two, optional co-PIs Must provide a letter of support from an advisor or department, if you are applying as a graduate student, postdoc, or are in another training position.