
EPSRC: UK Japan civil nuclear research programme – phase 8

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Call summary

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Japanese Ministry of Education, Sport, Culture and Technology (MEXT) and the Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA), invite proposals for the phase 8 of their UK Japan civil nuclear research programme. This supports key research challenges that accelerate and advance nuclear science, including decommissioning relevant to Fukushima and Sellafield. Up to £1 million is available to support the UK components of two projects. Grants are worth between £250,000 and £500,000 each. MEXT funds the Japan component of the project.

Scientific scope

Proposals are expected to address issues in one of these four fields: ▪radioactive waste treatment; ▪robotic and autonomous systems for decommissioning; ▪fuel debris materials; ▪decommissioning technology.

PI eligibility

Applications must be collaborative between UK-based researchers and Japan-based researchers. Investigators must be academic employees, at lecturer level or equivalent, of an eligible organisation and must be resident in the UK. PIs should normally hold a permanent post but fixed-term employees may be eligible.