
Innovate UK: Faraday battery challenge – innovation R&D

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Call summary

Innovate UK invites applications for its innovation R&D grants under the Faraday battery challenge. The total budget is worth up to £10 million. The total costs for eligible projects should be between £300,000 and £1.5m over one year.

Scientific scope

These support the research and development of the most promising innovative battery technologies for the propulsion of electric vehicles. The goal of the challenge is for the UK to become a global leader in the design, development and manufacture of batteries for electric vehicles. The specific themes of this call are: cost reduction; energy density; power density; safety; first life; temperature; predictability; recyclability; and technologies enabling the efficient design, development, or manufacture of batteries.

PI eligibility

UK-based businesses of any size may apply. They must collaborate with other UK businesses, academic organisations, charities, public sector organisations or research and technology organisations. The project must be carried out in the UK. Research organisations may share up to 30 per cent of the total eligible project costs.