
EPSRC: Manufacturing made smarter research director

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Call summary

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, invites applications for manufacturing made smarter research director. This seeks to appoint a research director for the manufacturing made smarter programme. Key priorities for the research director is to identify the areas where economic and social sciences can make a significant contribution to the innovation and diffusion of industrial digital technologies (IDT) in UK manufacturing. The funding is worth up £125,000 over five months.

Scientific scope

The research director will focus on the following objectives: •increasing UK manufacturing sector investment in industrial digitalisation R&D and the innovation and diffusion of IDTs; •increasing cross-sector collaboration between UK manufacturing sectors to drive the creation of common digital solutions; •increasing the number of digital technology companies providing solutions for manufacturing industries; •increasing the number of collaborations between SMEs and larger, more established companies up the value chain; •increasing UK manufacturing and digital manufacturing solution exports.

PI eligibility

The applicant must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at the lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation, which may be a higher education institution, a research institute funded by a research council or an independent research organisation. Joint applications, including job shares, for co-research directors are welcome where a clear split of responsibility is given.