
STFC: Distributed Research utilising Advanced Computing (DiRAC) – special call for director’s discretionary proposals

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Closing date


Call summary

The Science and Technology Facilities Council invites proposals for its Distributed Research utilising Advanced Computing (DiRAC) special call. This supports proposals of outstanding scientific interest and timeliness, which can demonstrate significant benefit from concurrent access to large numbers of nodes. The following resources are available: •memory intensive, Durham – 12M core hours of AMD Rome; •data intensive, Cambridge – 20M core hours of Intel Cascade Lake. The total amount of time available is approximately 12M core hours of AMD Rome and 20M core hours of Intel Cascade Lake. There is no upper limit on the fraction of time that can be requested, although requests for large amounts of time will require exceptional justification. Research software engineering projects of up to three months’ duration will also be supported.

Scientific scope

Software Engineering; Supercomputers

PI eligibility