
EPSRC: Second Call for Transformative Healthcare Technologies – Pre-announcement and engagement event

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Call summary

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Medical Research Council invite outline proposals for their call for transformative healthcare technologies for 2050. This funds research to develop thinking and approaches supported by the next generation of underpinning science, engineering and emerging technologies in the healthcare space. The total budget is worth up to £25 million for between four and six projects.

Scientific scope

The call aims to bring together the healthcare community through adventurous and novel interdisciplinary research and innovation drawing on novel engineering, physical sciences, mathematical sciences and ICT to deliver technologies that will impact and transform healthcare by the year 2050. The funders are particularly keen to help realise the potential of the following: •research that merges robotics and biological systems; •pre-symptomatic diagnosis and continuous health monitoring; •future affordable and inclusive healthcare solutions; •technologies to improve healthcare treatment; •repurposing technologies originally developed for other fields for potential healthcare impact.

PI eligibility

PIs can only lead on one application and may be named as co-investigator on one other. The PI must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation, which may be an HEI, a research institute funded by a research council or an independent research organisation.