
STFC: COMING SOON: Beamtime direct access – ISIS

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Call summary

The Science and Technology Facilities Council invites applications for its beamtime direct access at the ISIS research centre. This provides free access to neutron and muon instruments for academic and industry researchers at the ISIS research centre. Research conducted at the facility may span a wide range of scientific disciplines from pharmacology, cultural heritage and engineering to chemistry, magnetism and bioscience. UK researchers awarded beam time may also request up to £1,200 per experiment for consumables. Research groups with several experiments may request up to £4,800 and up to £3,000 per experiment may be requested in exceptional cases. Claims can be made for the direct purchase of a sample itself, or for chemicals, including isotopes, that are base materials for the preparation of a sample for an experiment.

Scientific scope

Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics; Structural Chemistry & Spectroscopy; Particle Physics

PI eligibility

Academic researchers may apply. The results from the experiments must be published in the public domain. UK private sector researchers may use ISIS via the normal proposal routes in collaboration with an academic partner.