British Council, GB and other funders: Newton Fund impact scheme
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Closing date
Call summary
The British Council, in partnership with UK Research and Innovation, the British Academy, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Met Office, via the Newton Fund, invites applications for the Newton Fund impact scheme. The total budget is £25 million across two calls, matched by in-country partners. Grants are worth up to £200,000 for up to two years, and may only exceed this limit if their project was previously funded by Innovate UK.
Scientific scope
The scheme is expected to stimulate new pathways to impact, broaden impact into other areas or significantly extend impact from previous projects. Grants are provided for the following key areas in any discipline:
•initiating or increasing policy impact or user engagement;
•initiating or increasing engagement with impact multipliers.
PI eligibility
Each proposal must have one project leader from the UK and one from the partner country who should be the leader of the previous project. They must be employed by and have a contract that extends beyond the period of the grant at a non-profit HEI, a UK HEI that receives funding from one of the UK higher education funding bodies or a non-profit research organisation. Businesses may lead and submit applications themselves.