
EPSRC: Japanese Society for Promotion of Science core-to-core collaboration in advanced functional materials

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Call summary

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, on behalf of UK Research and Innovation, and in collaboration with the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science, invites expressions of interest for its core-to-core collaboration in advanced functional materials call. This enables UK researchers to collaborate with Japanese researchers and aims to create world-class research hubs in fields considered to be cutting-edge and internationally important in Japan. Hubs are operated through sustainable collaborative relations established among research or educational institutions in Japan and around the world. Funding supports multilateral research projects, seminars, research exchanges and collaborations. A total of £2m is provided by EPSRC for up to two collaborative proposals over up to five years, which is matched by JPY 18m, provided by JSPS, and funds from additional partner countries. The total amount from the EPSRC should not exceed £1m.

Scientific scope

Functional Materials

PI eligibility

UK HEIs, research institutes and other eligible independent research organisations may apply. Investigators must be academic employees at lecturer or equivalent level of an eligible organisation and must be resident in the UK. PIs should normally hold a permanent post. The proposed team must collaborate with researchers from Japan and at least one other country. Members of the UK consortium must demonstrate current or relevant peer-reviewd funding, including grants completed within the last two years, received as PI with a total amount greater than £2 million.