EPSRC: International centre-to-centre research collaborations
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research council invites applications for its funding for international centre-to-centre research collaborations. This provides opportunities for leading UK research groups to work in partnership with international researchers. Proposals may consists of a single research project or a suite of related research activities in a defined research topic that is predominantly within the council’s remit. The total budget is worth up to £15 million to support 10 to 15 research consortia for projects of three to five years’ duration.
Scientific scope
Physical Sciences and Engineering
PI eligibility
Applicant consortia must hold at least one current eligible EPSRC strategic research grant with an end date after September 2020 with the PI of the existing strategic investment named as an investigator on the centre-to-centre proposal. Alternatively, the consortia must collectively hold a research portfolio of at least £3 million of current EPSRC research grants, each of which must have an end date after 8 September 2020. The council particularly welcomes applications from diverse research consortia and the inclusion of early-career researchers. Not every proposed investigator is required to hold a current EPSRC grant, but the majority of the team should be investigators on one or more of the existing grants. Applicants may collaborate with academic partners based in any country outside the UK at a university, public sector research organisation or publicly funded research institute. Industry engagement is strongly encouraged.