
STFC: Distributed Research utilising Advanced Computing (DiRAC) – special call for director’s discretionary proposals

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Call summary

The Science and Technology Facilities Council invites proposals for its Distributed Research utilising Advanced Computing (DiRAC) special call. This supports the UK theory and modelling communities in astrophysics, particle physics and nuclear physics to apply for discretionary computational resources on the STFC DiRAC high performance computing facility. Ambitious proposals of scientific interest and timeliness which can demonstrate significant benefit from concurrent access to large numbers of nodes are particularly encouraged. The following resources are available: •COSMA6 service, Durha and Wilkes-2 service, Cambridge. The maximum individual allocation of time via this call will be 5M x 86 core hours and 40,000 gpu-hours.

Scientific scope

Supercomputers; High Energy Astrophysics & Cosmic Rays; Particle Physics; Nuclear Physics

PI eligibility

PIs must be academic members of staff, either resident in the UK or be employed by an eligible overseas organisation, including HEIs, research council institutes and independent research organisations.