
BBSRC: Industrial partnership awards

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Call summary

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council invites applications for its industrial partnership awards. These support academic-led research projects in collaboration with industry, where industrial partners contribute in cash funding. BBSRC covers 80 per cent of the full project costs. The industry partners must contribute in cash at least equivalent to 10 per cent of the full project costs minus the industry contribution. Additional in-kind contributions from industry are welcome but do not count against the industry contribution.

Scientific scope

Biological Sciences; Environmental Engineering

PI eligibility

The PI must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at the lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation, which may be a HEI, a research institute funded by a research council or an independent research organisation. Company partners must be registered in the UK or have a UK R&D or manufacturing site. Where a suitable company cannot be found in the UK, an overseas company may be considered.