
UK Space Agency: Aurora science programme

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Call summary

The UK Space Agency invites applications for the Aurora science programme. This supports science and operations related to Martian planetary exploration in order to enhance the UK’s capabilities and cross-disciplinary approach. A key goal of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter is to detect and characterise trace gases in the Martian atmosphere and gain a better understanding of methane and other atmospheric gases that are present in small concentrations but could be evidence for possible biological or geological activity. Awards are available for up to four years, but may be held part-time for up to six years. They are administered by the STFC, in accordance with their financial rules, on behalf of the UK Space Agency.

Scientific scope

Mechanical Engineering; Universe Sciences; Commercial Space Applications; Telescopes & Space Instrumentation; Astrobiology. The following types of funding are available: •fellowships to develop promising early career researchers; •postdoctorate research assistants; •support for academics; •studentships. Applications are particularly welcomed in the following areas: InSight and TGO data exploitation; work that underpins the analysis of ExoMars data, including modelling or theory; and support activities in preparation for Mars sample return.

PI eligibility

Academics and individual scientists from the UK or overseas, working at UK research organisations may apply. Preference is given to new fellowships although extensions to current fellowships are considered. Awards are made in line with standard STFC criteria for postdoctoral research awards and fellowships.