
H2020-CS2-CFP11-2020-01 eleventh clean sky 2 call for proposals

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Call summary

The Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking, under the European Commission Horizon 2020: Societal Challenges, invites proposals for its eleventh clean sky 2 call. This supports the development of innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at reducing carbon and gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft. The total budget is worth €45 million.

Scientific scope

Aerospace Engineering & Avionics; Mechanical Engineering; Electrical & Electronic Engineering; Transportation Engineering

PI eligibility

Proposals may take the form of research and innovation actions or innovation actions, which require participation by at least three legal entities; each established in a different EU member state or Horizon 2020 associated country. Legal entities established in a third country, who secure their own funding, may be included in the consortia.