
BBSRC: Super follow-on funding

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Closing date


Call summary

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council invites proposals for its super follow-on funding. Projects may cost between £250,000 and £800,000 and last for between one and two years. Grants cover 80 per cent of the full economic costs.

Scientific scope

Environmental Engineering; Biological Sciences; Agriculture, Veterinary & Food Science

PI eligibility

Principal applicants must be resident in the UK at the time of application. They must currently or previously have held BBSRC funding with relevance to the application, and projects must draw substantially on previous BBSRC research funding and fall within their portfolio. Principal applicants must also hold an academic staff appointment at lecturer or equivalent level at an HEI, research council institute or an approved independent research organisation, or have a formal agreement that allows them to conduct research as if they were an employee.