EPSRC Review of Support for Doctoral Education – Workshops
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Closing date
Call summary
EPSRC is hosting 4 events to support its review of doctoral education.
The Events will be held from 10 - 4 in:
Cardiff, 12 March 2020
Birmingham, 17 March 2020
Manchester, 25 March 2020
London, 21 April 2020
The events are part of EPSRC’s community engagement to collect evidence to support the review of doctoral education.
The review is considering what outcomes in terms of knowledge, experience and skills should be supported through EPSRC doctoral training investments. The changing nature of research means that EPSRC wants to check that the experiences provided by the doctoral education it supports, enables the recipient to acquire the skills for the career they choose now and in the future. EPSRC also wants to ensure that the landscape is adaptable to changes in future skills needs. EPSRC will reimburse reasonable travel expenditure for students but is unable to cover the costs for other attendees.
Scientific scope
EPSRC invites expressions of interest from all who are involved in the Engineering and Physical research community and doctoral education. This includes: 1) Those involved in the delivery of doctoral education including training grant holders. 2) Those involved with the funding of doctoral students. 3) Those involved with the employment of postgraduates. 4) Supervisors of doctoral students. 5) Doctoral students both current, recent (2 years since graduation) and prospective (final year undergraduate or masters student)
PI eligibility
Applicants from both industry and academia are welcome.