
UK Innovate: Subsea autonomous systems – next generation technologies

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Call summary

nnovate UK, through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence, the Royal Navy, the Oil & Gas Technology Centre, BP and the Oil & Gas Authority, invites applications for its subsea autonomous systems – next generation technologies call. This enables individuals to join a five day collaborative workshop, to be held from 20 to 24 April 2020, to develop proposals for autonomous subsea systems that can significantly improve mission duration, sensing and communications. Attendees will form project teams, who then have up to four weeks to develop and submit final proposals. The total budget is £6 million to support projects developed from the workshop. Projects should have total costs between £1.5m and £3m and must start by September 2020 and finish by 31 March 2022.

Scientific scope

Remote Sensing; Submarines & Undersea Workstations; Autonomous Systems & Vehicles; Data Communications; Navigation & Tracking Systems; Hydrogeomatics

PI eligibility

Applicants must be from a UK-registered business, academic, charity, public sector organisation or RTO and work in collaboration with others, involving at least one SME. They must carry out their work in the UK and intend to exploit the results from the UK. Businesses must lead the project. Projects can include non-grant claiming partners.