
Innovate UK: Application of whole genome sequencing approaches to cancer

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Call summary

The total budget is £5.4 million. Feasibility studies must have total eligible projects costs between £50,000 and £100,000; industrial research and experimental development projects may be worth between £100,000 and £1m. Funding amounts vary and depend on the organisation type.

Scientific scope

This call supports innovation projects that use whole genome sequencing to analyse cancers. The aim is to encourage the development of new approaches to targeted therapy based on the molecular signatures of cancers. Eligible projects can develop new analytical methods or validate new targets using new and existing genomic data from cancers and they can be feasibility studies, industrial research or experimental development projects. Projects may focus on one or more of the following: •improving the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer and the selection of therapies; •the analysis of complex molecular signatures, including copy number variants, structural changes and tumour heterogeneity; •supporting the identification of tumours of unknown primary origin; •further analysis of existing whole genome sequence data held by Genomics England.

PI eligibility

Project leaders may be UK registered businesses or research and technology organisations. The project team may include a UK business, academic institution, public sector organisation or charity, or RTO. The lead and at least one other organisation must claim funding. Award type: Innovation grants; Directed grants to institutions, research groups.