
EPSRC: ExCALIBUR high priority use cases – phase 1

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Call summary

The total budget is up to £1.2 million, to support four to eight projects. Grants are worth between £150,000 and £300,000 each over 15 months.

Scientific scope

The projects will bring together a wide range of domain experts, mathematicians, computational scientists and research software engineers to develop simulation codes for exascale computing. Proposals must address high priority use cases defined as having the following qualities: •enables high-impact research in multiple areas of strategic importance; •provides a step-change in simulation performance or provide solutions that are not currently feasible, consistent with the enhanced performance of exascale computing; •applicable and scalable solutions that can be applied across a range of architectures, including non-exascale systems; •provides a national and international focal point for the relevant research communities, including the development of partnerships with complementary initiatives in the UK and internationally.

PI eligibility

The principal investigator must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at the lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation, which may be a higher education institution, a research institute funded by a research council or an independent research organisation.