
EPSRC and other funders: Realising the health co-benefits of the transition to net zero

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Call summary

Apply for funding to lead a transdisciplinary research hub towards realising the health co-benefits of the UK transition to net zero. The funding opportunity has four objectives: - to evaluate the potential health impacts from existing climate change adaptations and mitigations with a view to improving them and realise any potential benefit to human health including reducing health disparities - to develop and evaluate new adaptations and mitigations to support the UK to reach net zero that protect and promote the health of the UK population. Attention will be paid to the distribution of health impacts across different socio-economic groups - to develop a standardised way to measure the trade-offs and unintended consequences as part of net zero measures, to optimise interventions and understand the most effective interventions to implement - to understand how impacts and interventions might vary in the home, workplace or in a variety of health care settings. The total fund is up to £30 million. You can request up to £6 million (80% full economic cost (FEC)) per hub, over five years.

Scientific scope

Five UK-focused challenge areas within the net zero and health space have been identified. You must primarily address one of the following challenges within your application to ensure impact within the lifetime of the hub: - Indoor environments in a net zero world - Transportation and the built environment - Sustainable healthy diets - Extreme weather - Decarbonising health and social care pathways.

PI eligibility

Applicant type Academic Institution; Commercial or Private Sector; Government or Public Sector; Non-profit Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Mid-Career to Established in Field Eligibility Note To be eligible to apply to lead this hub funding opportunity you must: be a researcher employed by an UKRI eligible research organisation show that you will direct the project and be actively engaged in the work.