EPSRC: Connected Everything – second call for feasibility studies
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Call summary
The Connected Everything Network Plus, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, invites applications for its second call for feasibility studies. This aims to accelerate digital manufacturing research collaboration and innovation. The call supports up to five projects, worth up to £60,000 each at 100 per cent full economic cost. Funding is provided at 80 per cent fEC for six to 12 months.
Scientific scope
Proposals should address challenges at low technology readiness levels, TRLs 1-3, and be aligned with at least one of the following thematic areas:
•industrial internet of things;
•cyber-physical production systems;
•data analytics and decision making;
•the future industrial worker;
•service design and customisation;
•design for future manufacturing;
•creativity and design;
•sociotechnical data-rich systems;
PI eligibility
The PI must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at the lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation, which may be an HEI, a research institute funded by a research council or an independent research organisation. Applications led by early-career academics or researchers are particularly encouraged, and applicants will also be expected to ensure that their project involves explicit collaboration with industry partners, providing direct or in-kind support.