Innovate UK and other funders: Accelerating the Green Economy Centres
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Call summary
Apply for funding to establish an accelerating the green economy centre to support the growth of emerging green industries, in economic geographies across the UK. The aim of the funding opportunity is to support five co-created centres that accelerate the translation and commercialisation of market-informed solutions to drive the green economy.
You must demonstrate meaningful engagement, collaboration and integration with key partners which could include businesses, investors, civic bodies, potential customers and other researchers. The partners will be appropriate to the challenge, target location and build a critical mass of capacity and capability within the emerging green market identified.
The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £5,400,000 resulting in 80% FEC at £4,500,000.
Scientific scope
Accelerating the Green Economy Centres will:
Attract private investment to be deployed effectively in clean, green solutions as emerging markets mature
Cluster the local capabilities of towns, cities, rural economies and regions to enhance success
Accelerate the exploitation and commercialisation of new knowledge, innovations or solutions through co-investment and partnerships
Tackle specific, emerging industry-led research and innovation priorities to support the scale up and adoption of green economy solutions
Test and deploy green economy solutions and technologies in geographies across the UK.
PI eligibility
Eligibility Note Standard UKRI eligibility criteria apply. Applications should be led by researchers based at eligible UK-based organisations in accordance with standard UKRI practice. For this funding opportunity this includes:
Higher education providers
Eligible research institutes
NHS bodies
Approved public sector research establishments (PSREs)
Approved independent research organisations (IROs)
Research technology organisations (including the Catapults)
Your application should be led by an eligible project lead, who was named on the outline application and based at an eligible UK based organisation in accordance with standard UKRI practice.