Key technology components for local energy systems
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
The total budget is worth up to £3 million for projects with total eligible costs of between £100,000 and £500,000 over two years.
Scientific scope
Calls are sought in the following areas:
•applications for monitoring electricity or gas network hardware and software;
•enhancing integration between local and national electricity networks, both electricity system operators and distribution system operators;
•enhancing integration between local and national electricity markets;
•multisite, real time generation optimisation across multiple operators or aggregators;
•enhancing the efficiency of heat networks;
•heat and cold storage, especially inter-seasonal storage;
•optimised vector coupling solutions in the areas of electricity, heat and transport.
PI eligibility
Projects must be led by a UK-based business of any size. Projects must be collaborative unless led by an SME, and must include at least one SME if led by a larger business. Collaborators may be a UK-based business, academic institution, charity, public sector organisation or research and technology organisation.