
UKRI-Southeast Asia collaboration on infectious diseases

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Call summary

This funding opportunity is to support partnerships between UK researchers and researchers in Southeast Asia working in collaboration on diseases with epidemic and AMR potential. We aim to: fund collaborative projects involving the UK and one or more partner countries to address the challenges of AMR and pathogens with epidemic potential of relevance to Southeast Asia enhance existing and develop new sustainable partnerships between the UK and Southeast Asia research partners strengthen research capacity in the Southeast Asia region through supporting long-term research relationships UKRI and the Southeast Asia funders participating in this funding opportunity will support collaborative research projects between UK researchers and partners based in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and Singapore. In addition, we welcome collaborations involving Southeast Asia Least Developed Countries (Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia). You may apply for funding to conduct a bilateral project involving the UK and one Southeast Asian country, or a multilateral project involving the UK and multiple Southeast Asian countries. Multilateral projects involving the UK and two or more Southeast Asian partner countries are encouraged.

Scientific scope

To effectively tackle global infectious disease threats and challenges, including AMR and epidemic preparedness, a One Health approach is required to achieve sustainable change. Such approaches use integrated, interdisciplinary methodologies, recognising the interconnection between humans, animals (including wildlife, livestock, aquatic organism and companion animals), and environmental (including natural and built environment and climate change) factors, with the goal of improving outcomes for human health. This funding opportunity will consider applications focused on pathogens of relevance to the Southeast Asia region and with potential impact on human health, which may include viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic threats, as appropriate to the two strategic themes. This funding opportunity is aligned with the UKRI tackling infections strategic theme, for which infectious disease epidemics and AMR are priorities.

PI eligibility

To be eligible to apply for this opportunity you must: be a research team made up of at least one researcher based at an eligible UK institution and at least one researcher based at an eligible research institution in a Southeast Asia DAC-list country include additional researchers based in eligible UK institutions only if there is at least one eligible research institution in a Southeast Asia DAC-list country involved in the project include additional researchers based in Southeast Asia institutions only if there is at least one eligible research institution in a Southeast Asia DAC-list country involved in the project.