
Royal Society, GB and other funders: Wolfson fellowship

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Call summary

The Royal Society invites nominations for the Wolfson fellowship. This enables UK universities and research institutions to attract and recruit internationally leading researchers to their organisation. The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine. Fellowships are worth up to £300,000 and may last for up to five years. Approximately 10 awards will be available per year. Funding may be used flexibly by the fellow as part of their start-up package to support their research programme and team, and can cover salary enhancement, research expenses, research assistance, a four-year PhD studentship and other costs. Forecasted deadline for next year's call. Call open on the 24th of January 2024.

Scientific scope

Psychology, Psychiatry & Neuroscience; Soil Sciences; Pharmacy & Pharmacology; Agriculture; Immunology; Physical Sciences and Engineering; Biological Sciences; Public Health, Health Services & Primary Care; Nutrition & Dietetics; Archaeology

PI eligibility

Candidates must currently be based overseas and should be at the peak of their career or established researchers whose career is on a steep upward trajectory. They must either currently hold a permanent post that is funded by the host institution or have received a firm offer to take effect from the start of the appointment. They must be nominated by the vice chancellor, institute director or head of department from the proposed host institution, which may be a UK university or non-profit research institution. Nominated individuals must not have previously held a Royal Society Wolfson research merit award. Applications that seek to enable a candidate to move from one UK institution to another are not eligible.