
EPSRC: EPSRC discipline hopping in ICT: responsive mode

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Closing date


Call summary

This is an opportunity for ICT researchers to use their expertise in other disciplines, or for researchers from other fields to apply their expertise to ICT. You can apply for a discipline-hopping in ICT grant in any field of research relevant to the UKRI remit. In order to be eligible to apply for funding through this funding opportunity, you must be ‘hopping’ into or from one of the ICT research areas covered by this funding opportunity. You must show how you will use interdisciplinary research and collaborative development to benefit the ICT research community. You could carry out a discipline hop to: gain skills and knowledge to open up a new cross-disciplinary research area or answer a specific cross-disciplinary research question explore the feasibility of working with other disciplines on a project learn a new technique, tool or method that you can apply to your own research. We will award 80% of the FEC of the project, with your organisation covering the remaining balance.

Scientific scope

Physical Sciences and Engineering

PI eligibility

Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Mid-Career to Established in Field Eligibility Note Discipline hopping in ICT grants are for researchers based at an eligible UK research organisation. You may either: have a background in ICT and propose to use your research skills in a new discipline have other expertise and wish to learn ICT research skills and apply them in your home discipline.