Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN), INT Scientific associates programme
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
CERN invites applications for its scientific associates programme. This enables established scientists with an existing professional relationship with CERN to use CERN research facilities, participate in its programmes covering experimental and theoretical particle physics, and engage with various related activities in applied physics, electronics, computing and engineering. CERN will provide:
an initial contract of association of up to one year, renewable up to 2 years.
a subsistence allowance based on seniority, betweenCHF 6,361 and CHF 9,010 per month (net of tax).
Scientific scope
Applied Electronics; Computer Science & Informatics; Engineering; Particle Physics; Theoretical Physics
PI eligibility
Country of applicant institution Unrestricted
Nationality of researcher Unspecified
Applicant type
Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Mid-Career to Established in Field
Eligibility Note Applicants must remain employed at their home institute during their appointment. They should have at least a working knowledge of English or French.