
STFC: Resource for GridPP7 operations

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Call summary

The Science and Technology Facilities Council invites applications for its resource for GridPP7 operations. This underpins and enables the UK particle physics programme by providing an efficient and lean service built around physical hardware and infrastructure, software running on physical hardware and infrastructure, and WLCG federal responsibilities, and middleware and interface to experiments, and experiment ‘customer’ support. The GridPP7 proposal should explain any significant differences to GridPP6. The proposal should set out the international context of the GridPP7 phase and its contribution within global initiatives, and the synergies and coordination with STFC investment in other digital research infrastructure, particularly initiatives such as SWIFT-HEP. Funding is available for a 4-year period. (Forecasted date for next year's call).

Scientific scope

Particle Physics

PI eligibility

Individuals: Mid-Career to Established in Field. This funding opportunity is only open to members of the GridPP Collaboration. You must be: based at a UK research organisation eligible for STFC funding a member of the GridPP7 Collaboration.