
STFC: Particle physics experiment consolidated grants

Added date


Closing date


Call summary

These support research in the particle physics experiment subject area. This grants round will consider consolidated grant requests in the particle physics experiment subject area. Where more than one department or group at a university is involved in the same subject area, a single consolidated grant proposal should be submitted. Groups from different institutions working collaboratively in the same well-defined research area may apply for a consolidated research grant as a consortium. The budget is currently £24.5 million per year, plus £500,000 per year for capital equipment, however, as the grant period covers a comprehensive spending review this cannot be guaranteed. The sponsor will fund 80% of the FEC.

Scientific scope

Particle Physics

PI eligibility

Country of applicant institution United Kingdom Nationality of researcher Unspecified Applicant type Academic Institution Career stages Early Career and Emerging in Field; Mid-Career to Established in Field Limited submission Applicants are limited to 1 application per institution.