
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EUR: EIPOD-LinC fellowship programme

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Closing date


Call summary

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory invites applications for its EIPOD-LinC postdoctoral fellowship programme. This supports researchers from around the world who are passionate about interdisciplinary research. The programme provides researchers with mentoring, training and career development support needed for them to become leaders in academia, industry and beyond. Fellows receive three-year fully funded contracts based on the EMBL site at which they are based. Fellows with a member state partner can request a six-month extension of their contract provided they sped one year of their fellowship in the MS partner lab. (Forecasted date for next year's call).

Scientific scope

Plant Cell & Molecular Biology; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Animal Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

PI eligibility

Experienced researchers of all nationalities may apply. Applicants must have a PhD. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet been formally awarded the doctoral degree are eligible to apply. Prior association with the EMBL or MS partner is compatible with application to the programme but cannot exceed 12 months within the last three years prior to the deadline. For projects involving an EMBL Member State, Associate Member State or Prospect Member State partner, applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the partner for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.