UKRI cross research council responsive mode full stage – round 1
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
Invitation-only funding opportunity for breakthrough interdisciplinary ideas that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines, that are not routinely funded through existing UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) responsive mode schemes.
You must have already submitted an outline application and been invited to submit a full application.
Project leads must be based at an organisation eligible for UKRI research council funding.
UKRI will fund 80% of the full economic cost of your project which can be up to £1.2 million for up to two years. We expect to make 36 awards. Award range: £200,000 - £1,200,000.
Scientific scope
This is the full application stage of a new pilot scheme designed to support interdisciplinary ideas emerging from the research community outside current disciplinary boundaries. Applicants to this stage will receive an invitation to apply by email, following successful shortlisting of their outline applications.
We will support projects that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines, involving different knowledge and methodological spheres. The new scheme will power innovative conceptual thinking and research, and novel methodological approaches, to ensure UKRI supports a rich and diverse array of blue skies and applied research.
We know how important existing responsive mode council schemes have been in supporting research and innovation with transformative outcomes for knowledge, economy and society.
This scheme will help do the same for research that does not fit the remit of current research councils’ responsive mode schemes, helping ensure there is space for the convergence and divergence of new ideas across all fields of research.
PI eligibility
The project co-lead (UK) assists the project lead in the management and leadership of the project and may deputise or take over the leadership of the project if required.
There may be a number of project co-leads supporting the project lead. To be a project co-lead, you must be affiliated with one of the research organisations submitting the application.
You must meet all the following essential requirements:
usually have at least a postgraduate degree, although we expect most applicants to have a PhD or equivalent
be a researcher based in the UK and employed by an eligible research organisation. The exceptions to this are if:
your project will involve long periods in another country
you are located at an eligible international research organisation (for example, CERN or a Medical Research Council Overseas Unit)
you will be moving to the UK to take up an already agreed contract at an eligible organisation (the contract must not be dependent on the outcome of the application) and will remain resident in the UK for the duration of the proposed project.
a contract of employment at lecturer level or equivalent that either:
extends to beyond the duration of the proposed grant (or, if not employed by the submitting organisation, a formal non-salaried arrangement that extends to beyond the duration of the proposed grant),
or an assurance from the submitting organisation that, if the proposal is successful, a pre-existing contract of employment (or pre-existing formal commitment to provide support if not employed at the organisation) at lecturer level or equivalent will be extended beyond the end date of the grant.