
NERC: CENTA Science Opportunity Scholarships (CSOS)

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Closing date


Call summary

This scheme is open to BAME students who are considered as ‘Home’ students for the purposes of University Fees. This scheme is not attached to specific projects; instead, successful applicants will have the opportunity to design their own PhD project alongside a supervisor from the CENTA network who works in their area of interest. If applying to CSOS, you may also apply to listed projects. The Natural Environment Research Council, under the Central England NERC Training Alliance consortium, invites applications for its PhD studentships. These support PhD students in conducting their research projects at a hosting university. The call welcomes and encourages candidate initiated PhD projects. These projects must pass the same criteria for student excellence, fit with NERC remit and feasibility as regular CENTA projects. Students who have no restrictions on how long they can stay in the UK and have been ordinarily residents in the UK for at least three years prior to the start of the studentship may apply.

Scientific scope

Climate & Atmospheric Models; Climate Change & Global Warming; Earth Sciences; Ecosystem Function; Sustainable Development & Resource Use

PI eligibility

Eligibility Note Our CSOS scholarships are open to all home-award-eligible Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) applicants who meet the academic requirements (at least a 2:1 at UK BSc level or at least a pass at UK MSc level or equivalent). To be classed as a home student, candidates must meet the following criteria: • Be a UK National (meeting residency requirements), or • Have settled status, or • Have pre-settled status (meeting residency requirements), or • Have indefinite leave to remain or enter If a candidate does not meet the criteria above, they would be classed as an International student.