Royal Society, GB: Dorothy Hodgkin fellowships
Added date
Closing date
Call summary
This scheme offers a recognised first step into an independent research career for outstanding postdoctoral scientists who require a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances, such as caring responsibilities and/or health-related conditions. Research may address all areas of natural sciences, including biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics, but excluding clinical medicine. This scheme offers successful applicants:
the opportunity to build your independent research career
freedom, time and long term flexible support to pursue high quality and innovative lines of scientific research
flexibility to accommodate personal circumstances such as caring responsibilities or health-related needs
support to develop as a research leader through tailored, high quality professional development, networking and engagement opportunities. (Forecasted date for next year's call).
Scientific scope
Agriculture; Archaeology; Biological Sciences; Immunology; Nutrition & Dietetics; Pharmacy & Pharmacology; Physical Sciences; Psychiatry; Public Health, Health Services & Primary Care; Soil Sciences
PI eligibility
Eligibility Note This scheme is open to:
Applicants at an early stage of their research career,who have either completed their PhD or have no more than six years of actual research experience since their PhD (i.e. the date on which the degree was approved by the board ofgraduate studies) by the closing date of the round. Career breaks and part-time working are always taken into consideration.
Applicants who can demonstrate a need for flexible support due to personal circumstances which is current/by the start of their Fellowshipand for the duration of the Fellowship. This can, but not exclusively, include: parental/caring responsibilities (e.g. raising children or being theprimary carer for ageing or seriously ill family members) or clinically diagnosed health issues.
Applicants of all nationalities.
Dorothy Hodgkin Fellows requiring a visa to work in the UK are eligible to apply for a Global Talent Visa under the fast-track process of endorsement. Other visa categories are also available.