
EPSRC: Early career researcher collaborations for global development

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Call summary

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (ESPRC) invites applications for its early career researcher collaborations for global development call. This supports early career researchers to initiate or develop new international partnerships with researchers overseas in order to tackle the challenges faced by developing countries. EPSRC has up to £5 million to spend on the 2 funding routes of this funding opportunity, including up to £1m for this international development funding route up to £4m for the open funding route. Grants are worth up to £200,000 at 100 per cent full economic costs with a duration of up to 2 years. All costs will be funded at 80 per cent of full economic costs. (Forecasted dates).

Scientific scope

Development Studies; Physical Sciences and Engineering

PI eligibility

This funding opportunity is only open to early career researchers who meet the eligibility requirements of EPSRC's New Investigator Award scheme. Eligible organisations include all UK higher education institutions that receive grant funding from one of the UK higher education funding bodies, some research institutes, NHS bodies with research capacity, UKRI-approved independent research organisations, Public Sector Research Establishments that have independent capability to undertake and lead research programmes and satisfy various financial and legal criteria.